Official language: Spanish
Capital City: Buenos Aires
State system: Federal democratic republic
Extension: 2 780 403 km2
Population: 39 584 400 ( 30.6. 2007 )
Population density: 14 inhabitants per km2
Currency: Argentine Peso
Time zone: UTC -3
Name of the country - Argentina - is deduced from latin argentum, wich means silver. It is clear what were the spanish planters interrested in mainly.
Geographical situation
Argentina is located in the southern part of South America. With a continental extension of 2.791.810 Km2 is the second largest country in South America and the eighth in the world. It is bounded by Bolivia and Paraguay on the north, Brasil, Uruguay and the Atlantic Ocean on the east, and by the Atlantic Ocean and Chile on the west and south. Eastern frontier with Atlantic ocean is 4984 km long.
Argentina is on of a few countries with all climatic regions. On the north is hot and dry savannah Gran Chaco. On the northeast you can find rain forrest with one of the biggest watterfall Iguazú. Area called Mesopotamia is located in the northern part the of Argentina. Subtropical climate prevails whereas, in the south the climatic conditions are more temperate . It is rich in flora and fauna. Its territory consists of slopes, ponds and swampy lands cut through by important rivers.
In the middle oh the country, on the edge of Río La Plata, close to the Atlantic coast Capital city - Buenos Aires is located. To the west from Buenos Aires you can find Pampa. With its temperate climate posseses the most productive lands of the country (and one of the best ones of the world) for the agriculture and cattle breeding (who yould not know Argenina steak.
Between Pampa and Andas wich extend along the whole country there is Sierras Pampeanas mountains. Here and also in walleys under Anda mountains gorgious red wine grapes are grown (well known is Rioja and Mendoza wine area). In the middle part of Anda mountains you can find the highest peak of America Aconcagua (6962 m).
Patagonia, located in the south part of Argetna is the largest region with the coldest climate (especially in the southern part). The west consists mainly of a montaneous landscape peppered with spectacular woods, lakes and glaciers. Thanks to that fact Patagonia has the lowest population density.
More than 90% of all people are descendatns of European immigrants. Immigration culminated between 1880 – 1920. Second wave occured in Second world war. Most immigrants are from Italy (36%), Spain (26%) and German 3-4%. In Oblasti Buenos Aires a v Chaco dependecy there are also many Polish people. Approximatelly 10% population are half-breed European and native people. Native population is in minority with only 1,5 milion pople..
Skiing in Argetina
There are 34 ski resorts in Argentina placed in Anda mountains from Aconcagui to Patagonia. The most attractive is Las Leňas, Chapelco, La Hoya a Cerro Catedral Bariloche. Services and endowement is comparable with similar resort in Alps. Big advantage of Argentina resorts is high quality and ammount of snow. The season starts in june and ends in october.