Official language: Spanish
Capital City: Lima
State system: Republic
Extension: 1 285 220 km2
Population: 28 302 604 ( 16.5. 2006 )
Population density: 22 inhabitants per km2
Currency: Argentine Peso ARS Nuevo Sol ( 1€ = 4,2 PEN 13.10. 2008 )
Time zone: UTC -5
Origin of the name Peru is not clear. One theory claims, Peru was the name of native chief who informed Spanish conquistadors about the southern „land of gold“. Another theory deduce this name from native expression pelu, meaning „water“.
Geographical situation
Peru lay out on the Pacific ocean coast in the middle of South America Peru is bounded by Equador and Columbia on the north, Brasilia on the east, Bolivia on the south-east and Chile on the south.
Peru is devided into three different climat zones:
Ocean coast - 11%
Mountains – 15%
Rain forrest – cca. 64%
The coast is sltrongly influenced by cold Humolt drift and along the whole cost lay out desert. The agriculture - and therefore also habitation - is possible only along the rivers and oasis, with one exception, the area north from Lima.
Beyond thin strap of coast the Andes goes rappidly up to the altitude 6 768 m. (Huascarán). Andes do not shape one mountain edge, but are devided by rivers and canyons into many mountain areas. On the south of Peru is tableland Altiplano, with averadge altitude 3 600m. With extension 170 000 km2 it thenches on Bolívia. Here in Altiplano, on the border between Peru and Bolivia in 3 810m lay out sacred Incan lake Titicaca.
Eastly from Andes peaks we find huge area of rain forrest with many river springs wich generate the biggest river over the world - Amazon.
As you can see, peru is country with enormous nature wealth and it is completely up tu you if you decide for snowy mountain peaks or rivers cokscrewing in the rain forrest.
While being in Peru it is necessary to see cultural relicts from pre-columbian era, especially Incan buildings and lost city Machu Picchu.
Peru (together with Bolivia and Guatemala) is one of the latino-american countries with mainly native indian population. Native indians constitute 45% population: 40% Kechu tribe and z 5% Ajmar. 37% are half-breed Evropean and natives, 15% European descendatns and 3% Africans and a Asians.
Skiing in Peru
Suprisingly we can find ski resorts in Peru. Guidebooks name two „ski resorts“ Callejón de Huaycas and Pasto-Ruri/Huascarán. Unfortunatelly it is hard to find out how and even if theese resorts operate. At any rate skiing in Peru is a matter of real connoisseur.